Thriving People: Thriving Organizations
Presented by: Rachel Heffield
Description: Thriving is a common buzz word these days, but do we know how to facilitate it? Applying current insights from International HR, Positive Psychology, and recent research to expand on current practices of member care for the benefit of the individual, the organization, and mission success. Emphasis will be on individual organizational outcomes and potential barriers. Objectives include providing a clear definition of thriving global workers, providing a framework for keys to facilitate thriving, and providing recommendations for how various parts of an organization can work together to promote thriving workers for mission success.
Was there a handout for this session? If so, how do we get a copy of it?
This is really good!
Yea! Jump to this Resource Page and search for Thriving:
Awesome presentation! Any way to get a transcript of this?
At present, no transcript is available. I have put it on our list to consider, though.
Thank you!