Volume 1

Missiographics Library

What has your Missions Leadership Journey been like?

What has your Missions Leadership Journey been like?

Whether you are a leader in your ministry organization or someone who is serving alongside a leader as they shoulder that responsibility, it is important to evaluate the progress made, the challenges, the opportunities and the areas where growth is needed.
Is Your Audience Understanding Your Message?

Is Your Audience Understanding Your Message?

As we reach out with God's Word, we all seek to be understood. But are we making assumptions about how people engage with and process information? If you are reading this copy, what are your assumptions about the literacy of those you are trying to reach globally?
How are You Serving Those Living Under the Line?

How are You Serving Those Living Under the Line?

There are 1.4 billion people living in extreme poverty. What does that really mean? Take a moment to understand extreme poverty a bit more clearly and get a sense for where it is impacting the most people. Then decide what you are going to do about it!As we reach out with God's Word, we all seek to be understood. But are we making assumptions about how people engage with and process information? If you are reading this copy, what are your assumptions about the literacy of those you are trying to reach globally?
Do you Know Who is Visiting Your Site?

Do you Know Who is Visiting Your Site?

So many times we do not truly understand the needs and motivations of those we are trying to serve. This is even truer when it comes to online communications. If more people are going to get plugged into God's mission, agencies have to understand what is driving their interest and the seekers need to be more aware of what their priorities are. This infographic seeks to give insight to both groups.
What Role Should Individuals and Nations Play in Global Church Planting?

What Role Should Individuals and Nations Play in Global Church Planting?

As God plants his church in more places, the global picture of mission keeps changing. So what part does each country play in 2013? Should the church in each country concentrate on its own country rather than on international work? Take a moment to explore this important question in Missiographic form.
3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism

3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism

The Internet is impacting every area of life. But how is God using the Internet to reach out to those who are seeking Him? Explore three tech revolutions where Christians are on mission in some very exciting ways.
A Visual Note of Thanks from the Missiographics Team

A Visual Note of Thanks from the Missiographics Team

Our team at GMI is so blessed to be able to serve and support your decision making through the Missiographics Service. The idea came out of research we did with those we serve and then the response as we have launched has been incredible.