EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly)
July–September 2022 | Volume 58 Issue 3
(If you encounter difficulty connecting, contact EMQ@MissioNexus.org)
The Translating God
Bible Translation is the Key to a Christian Faith “at Home” in Any Culture
The Landscape of Bible Translation in the 21st Century
Multilingualism and Ministry
Collaboration in Bible Translation
Solving the Consultant Dilemma
The Time for the Deaf is Now
Engaging Deaf Tanzanian Children with Scripture
Oral Bible Translation is Key to Seeing Scripture in Every Language
The Jesus Factor
Equipping the Church for Church-Centric Bible Translation
8 Lessons Learned in 80 Years of Bible Translation
Gehörlose tansanische Kinder mit der Bibel vertraut machen
Rethinking Orality
A Twenty-First Century Challenge for North American Mission Agencies
Global Mobilization – What Is the Spirit Saying?
Web Exclusives
The New Testament is Not Enough
Invaluable Investment: Counting the Complex Costs of Bible Translation
Book Reviews
Global Bible Translation
Global Bible Translation (2024)
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