Educating Missionary Kids: The Options and Choosing Among Them

Educating Missionary Kids: The Options and Choosing Among Them
Originally Presented: January 16, 2013 at 2:00pm Eastern Time
Presented by Karen Wrobbel, EdD, Associate Professor of Education and Associate Dean of the College and Graduate School Trinity International University

Missionaries today have a wide variety of educational options for their childrens education. In addition to more traditional options like the MK school or boarding school, children might attend a local school for host-country nationals, an international school, or take online classes. Faced with a variety of choices, missionary parents wonder how to choose the best option, and mission leaders realize they need to provide guidance through appropriate policy and practices. In this presentation, ll highlight five goals and thirteen guiding principles for evaluation of MK education options. These goals and principles can help parents and agencies by providing a framework for conversation, a foundation for policy and guidance for making choices.

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