Data is a Leader’s Ally: Key Research Analysis for the Modern Missions Movement

Data is a Leader’s Ally: Key Research Analysis for the Modern Missions Movement

Friday @ 1:30pm

Utilizing analysis from four key projects that took place over 2016, I will seek to demonstrate the practical and necessary aspects of data analysis for mission leaders and how informed study can allow leaders to be more effective in their roles. In addition, we will show how data can inform strategy development, leading toward effectively accomplishing organizational mission. As a research analyst for Missio Nexus, this past year I conducted two major projects: one on mission CEOs and another on mission pastors. I also managed the data analysis for the new edition of theNorth American Mission Handbook: U.S. and Canadian Protestant Ministries Overseas 2017-2019 and analyzed data on a study focused on Mission Motives.

Michael VanHuis

Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
Missio Nexus

Michael has a B.A. from Hope College and a M.A. from Fuller School of Intercultural Studies. He served in Ghana and in varying leadership roles with Pioneers. He has also served as the Missions Pastor for Northland Church, a SVP for OneWay Ministries/Prayercast and joined the Missio Nexus team in 2015 as VP for Strategic Initiatives. He is married to Laura and has five children.


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