C-Suite Thought Leader Briefing: Dr. Rodney Stark

On June 7th, we hosted a special Thought Leader Briefing featuring one of the most outstanding thinkers in the study of religion, Dr. Rodney Stark discussing his book, The Triumph of Faith.

Dr. Stark is the Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences and Co-Director for the Institute of Studies of Religion at Baylor University. He is a prolific author on the sociology of religion and has much to say to those seeking to understand the dynamics of movements, the history of Christianity and contemporary religious trends.

Dr. Stark’s recently published book challenges commonly held assumptions about the waning of faith in our time, including:

  • Why claims about Millennials’ lack of religion are overblown and historically ignorant
  • Why Islam is NOT overtaking Christianity
  • How 4 out of 5 people worldwide now belong to an organized religion
  • How 50 percent have attended a worship service in the past week
  • Why much-ballyhooed studies from the Pew Research Center and others get the religious landscape wrong
  • Why atheists remain few, anywhere—despite all the talk of the “New Atheism”

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