UPG North America

UPG North America is a new resource to raise up prayer warriors and laborers among the most significant unreached people group communities in North America. Over the last couple of years, Global Gates has been researching these significant groups, looking at a variety of factors such as a people group’s Global Status of Evangelical Christianity, population size in a city, and amount of believers among that people in a city. For more information, you can view a fact page on the UPG Priority Matrix webpage.

Global Gates designed upgnorthamerica.com to serve Christians in North America by providing profiles, language-specific resources to share the gospel, and virtual prayerwalks using slideshows and a Google Earth tool that allow these “hidden” people groups to become visible. By praying through photos of the people in their mosques, gurdwaras, synagogues, and temples, we can become aware of the people and responsible for reaching them with the gospel.

How You Can Contribute

As this is a Kingdom-centric resource that wasn’t created to promote any single organization, Global Gates is looking for contributors to help write profiles and develop prayerwalks. If you are affiliated with an organization and contribute, we would love to list you as a contributor on the site. Would you consider creating content? If so, write us at info@upgnorthamerica.com and indicate potential communities from our UPG Priority Matrix for which you could write profiles and develop virtual prayerwalks (e.g., Somalis in Minneapolis). We have created templates and step by step instructions for these tools to make the process as simple as possible.

Ideas for Using the Site

Whether you create content for the site or not, take time to let others know about the site and/or send them a particular page that might interest them. Here are just a few ideas on how the site can be used:

  • Personally, or in a small group prayer meeting or Bible study: Read through a profile and do a virtual prayerwalk using the Google Earth tool.
  • Post on social media, a blog, or a newsletter about the UPG North America site or a particular page that would be of interest. For instance, with the large number of Afghan refugees resettling in North America due to the Taliban takeover, you could send the Afghans in North America profile page and/or the several pages about Afghans in particular cities like Toronto, New York, and San Francisco.
  • Do you know someone from a particular group highlighted on the site? You could look at the “Resources” section on the North America overview page (e.g., Somalis in North America) to find good gospel resources in that person’s language to share with them.

Create/Edit a People Group Profile

Are you working among a people group we have already created a profile for?

We have not created all the profiles needed for this site. Maybe you are working among a people group in a particular city that we have already created a profile for. We would like to know any edits, prayerwalk additions, and/or stories or insight we could add for the profiled people you are working among. Please write to us at info@upgnorthamerica.com with your edits and additions.

Thanks for your time. Please help us get the word out about UPG North America to raise the amount of prayer for these unreached people group communities.

For His Kingdom,

UPG North America

This article is submitted by Rebecca Epley of Global Gates.  Global Gates is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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