Author Interview: Doug Gehman
Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book.
Author Interview
Before You Quit: Everyday Endurance, Moral Courage, and the Quest for Purpose
Doug Gehman
We all need encouragement to persevere in the calling God has given us, especially in the daunting work of missions. In this book Doug Gehman, president of Globe International (a Missio Nexus member mission), shares stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the kingdom of God because they simply kept going—through pain, discouragement, loss, and failure. The book will show you how to cultivate a perseverance that counts the cost and follows through. It will encourage you to be a person of commitment, staying true to your calling and doing so joyfully.