50 Years of Mission

Of all the geopolitical forces dominating people’s attention in the 1960’s, the launching of EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly — www.emqonline.com) was not one of them. We were making major tech advances such as the introduction of color television and the world was caught up in a Cold War between the superpowers of the day, but in a small corner of the US, several key thinkers set out to create a space for dialogue about global mission. EMQ was the result and it has served a very important function. Take a moment to learn about the progression of issues discussed and the changing landscape that EMQ’s 50 years represents in global mission.
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<p><a href="https://missionexus.org/50-years-of-mission/"><strong>50 Years of Mission</strong></a><br />Certain milestones deserve taking a moment to stop and remember. That is true of the 50th Anniversary of EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly), one of the key publications resourcing missionary practitioners around the globe. Learn about some of the key missions issues covered over 50 years and also get a glimpse of how much has happened globally during this time.</p>

Personal Reflection
Do you read EMQ? If you are involved in missions in any way, it is one of the important publications to be checking out on a regular basis. It is also worth noting that there are a variety of other publications (mentioned in the Missiographic) that are key to global mission. These resources provide unique spaces for those of us on mission to listen to each other, get new ideas and process trends/strategies in mission. But are you taking the time to engage with resources like this? Life can be busy and there is a temptation to skim through life as we run from one meeting to another. As you look over this Missiographic, consider what resources you will read regularly to help frame your global service.

Engaging the Church
As an advocate for global mission in a church, getting those in your congregation to read a resource like EMQ is fairly daunting. However, that doesn’t mean that they should not be engaging with some of the ideas. As you engage with content in EMQ and other missions resources, how are you popularizing it for your audience and sharing it appropriately? What could you do to help your church attendees think more deeply about global mission than they are today?

Organizational Application
For many of you in ministry organizations, publications like EMQ are staples of your lifelong learning and missions understanding. But many new people in your organizations are not getting this sort of content. Consider ways within your organization of sharing articles, having discussion groups and creating space for engagement around the issues that publications like EMQ are presenting. Consider how you can view tools like EMQ as resources to empower your staff to better understand global mission and respond as you strive to fulfill your organization’s calling.

Good information is key for any individual or ministry. For more insights look at missiographics.com.


1 World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision
2 World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision
3 World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision
4 UN Aids Global Factsheet
5-7 Operation World 2010 DVD
8 Future of the Global Church, Johnstone

1960’s to 2000’s chart comparison found at top of infographic.

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