Afghan Mountain Faith: Stories of Justice, Beauty, and Relationships
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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry
Afghan Mountain Faith: Stories of Justice, Beauty, and Relationships*
By Miriam Adeney and Rashid Aalish
William Carey, 2023
425 ebook pages
*As an Amazon Associate Missio Nexus earns from qualifying purchases.
This book discusses how relationships, justice, and beauty relate to the Afghan people in God’s kingdom. It shares never-before recorded accounts of Afghan believers, including “their questions, the bridges that draw them, and the challenges that threaten them along their journeys” (page 23). It presents the Afghan culture (the land, family, politics, and religion), the various ways to help and bless refugees, and how Afghan believers can globally experience Christian community, worship, fellowship, and service, despite the absence of any church building in the country. Other perplexing issues (like Islam, gender, ecology, disciple-making movements, ethnodoxology, and multiethnicity) are also addressed in the book.
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