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The City: The New Frontier
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Latin America and Missions on the Web
With the missions rush into the former Soviet Union a decade ago, followed by the focus on the 10/40 Window, Latin America seems to have been overlooked in recent missions excitement. It’s almost as though missions have a “been there, done that” attitude.
Latin America and Missions on the Web
With the missions rush into the former Soviet Union a decade ago, followed by the focus on the 10/40 Window, Latin America seems to have been overlooked in recent missions excitement. It’s almost as though missions have a “been there, done that” attitude.
How to Recruit Workers for the Frontiers
Many mission agencies, including my own (CBInternational), want to send more missionaries to the frontiers. But relatively few American missionaries are doing evangelistic, church-planting work among the world’s 3.8 billion non-Christians, followers of non-Christian religions, living in non-Christian lands.
How to Recruit Workers for the Frontiers
Many mission agencies, including my own (CBInternational), want to send more missionaries to the frontiers. But relatively few American missionaries are doing evangelistic, church-planting work among the world’s 3.8 billion non-Christians, followers of non-Christian religions, living in non-Christian lands.