Listening to Learn


Our hope is that this summary and reflection will enable mission agencies to engage empathetically with the next generation of Black Christians in their journey of faith and consideration of cross-cultural missions.



Missio Nexus is releasing the 2023 Executive Summary of a focus group-based research project that was conducted in the fall of 2022.

Missio Nexus partnered with the Frontier Ventures Ralph D. Winter Launch Lab and Scott Friderich of Clarity Research in an effort to conduct focus groups of young black Christians in Atlanta, Dallas, and New York City. Our goal was to listen to the views and perspectives of these young people who had not been previously engaged in cross-cultural missions.

Our hope is that this summary and reflection will enable mission agencies to engage empathetically with the next generation of Black Christians in their journey of faith and consideration of cross-cultural missions.

Inside this report you’ll find:

Concept and implementation: Project design and dynamics review
Listening to learn: Participant engagement reflections
Perspectives from the participants for the missions community
Participant voices: Quotes from the focus groups
PLUS: Reflection and insights: Commentary by Adrian Reeves