Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 22 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Types of TEE
Here are some warnings and guidelines from one of the early boosters of theological education by extension, who still believes in its potential for development of the church.
Types of TEE
Here are some warnings and guidelines from one of the early boosters of theological education by extension, who still believes in its potential for development of the church.
Seven Ingredients of Successful TEE Programs
Seven ingredients that I discovered to be present in every successful TEE program that I researched in southern Africa.
Seven Ingredients of Successful TEE Programs
Seven ingredients that I discovered to be present in every successful TEE program that I researched in southern Africa.
The Fall and Rise of TEE in One African Church
Our church leaders have suggested that there are some serious flaws in this TEE format, and they have prompted an exploration of new avenues.