Executive Director of One Another Ministries

  • Executive
  • Anywhere
  • Executive
  • Anywhere

Website One Another Ministries International

Caring for those who care for the world.


We are seeking an Executive Director who is gifted and called to provide oversight, operational/spiritual leadership, vision and guidance for the ministry as we seek to accomplish God’s mission for One Another Ministries.


  1. Serves in a full-time capacity and reports to the Board of Directors.
  2. Must raise own support as well as raise funds for the ministry.
  3. Must be willing to travel globally to provide ministry representation and leadership.
  4. Must be flexible in setting work hours to fulfill responsibilities, which may require working evenings, weekends and overtime hours.
  5. Ideally located in the U.K. but could be remote.


1. Ministry Operations

  • Oversee the effective operation of the organization and ensure it makes consistent progress in fulfilling its mission.
  • Oversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of the organization’s services and initiatives ensuring they are consistent with its mission and values.
  • Act as the main spokesperson for the organization and ensure that appropriate communication is maintained with all constituents. This could include current and prospective supporters, current and prospective clients, partnering organizations, and service providers.
  • Secure the funding needed for the organization’s operations, including personal support; develop and maintain sound financial practices; ensure the responsible usage of the organization’s resources; assist in preparing timely financial reports and projections; operate the organization in a fiscally responsible manner, with a healthy financial position.
  • Oversee the recruitment, hiring, orientation and mobilization of staff and team members (both those employed by One Another and those seconded or partnered from other agencies).
  • Network and interface with like-minded ministries and organizations to establish partnerships and cooperative arrangements.  Oversee memberships in professional and networking organizations. This could include MissioNexus, Global Connections, and ECFA.
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable governmental regulations and legislation in all locations where the organization maintains an office or permanent presence. Ensure that official records and documents are maintained and privacy and confidentiality are protected.  Ensure the Policy & Procedures manual and other records, publications, and manuals are accurate and current.
  • Identify and evaluate potential risks to the organization’s people (staff and clients), property, finances, goodwill, and image and implement appropriate measures to control risks.

2. Ministry Personnel

  • Pursue Godliness and zeal for the mission while modeling a balanced life of hard work and restful celebration. Encourage a culture of regular sabbath rest.
  • Encourage an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation among the team, fueled by frequent and open communication, and resulting in mutual respect, encouragement, and consideration.
  • Promote an atmosphere encouraging creativity and individual initiative while maintaining the team’s focus, cohesiveness, and values. Empower individuals to develop their own unique ministry as part of a team effort that maintains a healthy balance of independence and interdependence.
  • Encourage staff professional development and continuing education.
  • Coach and mentor staff as appropriate and needed.

3. Ministry Board

  •  Communicate with the Board about the organization’s conditions and activity, including any significant issues affecting the organization.
  • Oversee the implementation and progress of the organization’s long-range mission, vision and goals.
  • Implement the organization’s policies, procedures and strategies, as directed by the board.
  • Ensure regular and open communication between the Board and Staff of the organization.


1. Personal characteristics and skills

  • Demonstrates a personal faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ as well as a lived-out love for the Scriptures, world missions and the development and care of international Christian workers.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to One Another Ministries and its mission and values.
  • Demonstrates an ongoing commitment to personal and vocational integrity and ethical behavior.
  • Demonstrates the leadership characteristics of self-direction, adaptability, flexibility, creativity, and innovation.
  • Demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills that empowers teamwork and enhances working relationships.
  • Demonstrates strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Demonstrates strong leadership skills including organization, planning, problem solving, decision-making, and conflict management.
  • Demonstrates a competency in computer skills.

2. Education and experience

  • Possesses broad knowledge of and proven experience in cross-cultural ministry, including work with individuals and teams from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Possesses professional training and/or experience in a field relevant to the ministry’s mission of strengthening and encouraging international Christian organizations and workers. This could include cross-cultural training, consulting, resourcing, coaching, counseling, conflict or crisis management, organizational development and leadership.
  • Possesses proven senior organizational leadership experience.

To apply for this job email your details to info@oneanother.com

To apply for this job email your details to info@oneanother.com

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One Another Ministries International

Caring for those who care for the world.

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