Reply To: Ministry Innovation

  • Joseph Handley

    June 7, 2023 at 11:03 am

    I agree with Kim: capacity — both in people and funding is one issue… Another issue at times can be current teams committed to the ways we’ve done things for years.

    We are in a season of discernment for our entire movement about innovation to get people thinking and processing. This fall, at our annual gathering, we’ve dedicated the entire 3 days to discussions related to this and reviewing work that several task forces have forged for us to get things moving.

    Plus, we have several innovation factories in motion presently. All of those give fuel for thought for the other gathering. We hope people will see the fruit of those innovation attempts.

    Praying we can move the needle with our teams (gathering in October) and build on the innovation hubs (about 3 or 4 ventures in motion presently)

    In some ways, the capacity issues are helping us as they gave us an easier way for people to see the need for innovation.