Fostering Sexual Wholeness: Breaking Silence to Defeat Shame

EMQ » April–June 2022 » Volume 58 Issue 2

By Dennis Martin

People in ministry can struggle with sexual brokenness like anyone else. However, fear and shame can be even bigger obstacles for them. Consider the following examples which occur to both men and women serving as missionaries:

  • A missionary struggles with pornography as disillusion about ministry strategy and lack of fruitfulness sets in. She desperately desires to resist pornography’s pull but is ashamed to ask anyone to walk with her.
  • A missionary experiences same-sex attraction and is committed to celibacy. However, he feels unable to confide this to any of his colleagues.
  • A missionary parent has a child confused about gender identity. She resists turning to anyone for advice and support.
  • A missionary wrestles with lifelong trauma resulting from being sexually abused as a child. His solitary suffering remains hidden.
