Essentials for
People Care and Development
A Collection of Best Practices, Research, Reflections, and Strategies
Edited by Geoff Whiteman and Heather Pubols
Practical insights and activities to help your organization build a thriving culture.
Finding, sending, and caring for missionaries has grown increasingly complex for mission leaders and staff. The mission world is more multicultural and global crises seem to be more frequent. And we can no longer make the same assumptions about shared values which can open the door for legal difficulties. We all want to see ministry staff thriving and serving the kingdom to their full potential, but how can we support that? In this book, you will be able to dig deeper into the fundamental questions of member care.
Member care workers collaborated with us to bring practical insights that will help you and your agencies. No matter where you fit on the spectrum of care – a concerned pastor, missionary colleague, or ministry leader all the way to a professional services provider – this book and its contents will help you implement improvements in caring for ministry staff.
Meet the Editors
Geoff Whiteman, ThM, LMFT, serves member care professionals as the director of the Valeo Research Institute ( and the Missio Nexus People Care and Development track co-leader. Since 2000, he has served in vocational ministry and has supported the care and training of global workers in Christ since 2007. Those experiences piqued his interest in how global workers could persevere with joy which led him to research resilience (
Heather Pubols is the editor of Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ, – a professional journal for North American missionaries that has been continuously published since 1964. She is also the founder and principal communications consultant for le Motif ( – a communications consulting firm focused on global mission. She has served in missions since 2000.
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