Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 18 - Issue 2
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Editor’s Analysis: Does Short-term Experience Spell Long-term Disaster?
It’s hard to knock a booming enterprise, but Denis Lane, overseas director of Overseas Missionary Fellowship, has done just that with a hard-hitting article, “Short-Term Commitment is Just Not Good Enough” (East Asia Millions, December 1981/January 1982).
People Groups: Beyond the Push to Reach Them Lie Some Contrary Opinions
In the last decade what might be called the “unreached people groups” strategy has shaken the missions community to the core.
People Groups: Beyond the Push to Reach Them Lie Some Contrary Opinions
In the last decade what might be called the “unreached people groups” strategy has shaken the missions community to the core.
The Numbers Game in World Evangelization
Not only are our statistics confusing, they can be used to arouse false hopes.
The Numbers Game in World Evangelization
Not only are our statistics confusing, they can be used to arouse false hopes.