Unreached People in the Greater Toronto Area
di • as • po • ra : the dispersion of any people from their original homeland.
People of many nations have landed on the shores of North America looking for refuge, community, a new home, and hope. This missiographic is part of a series that highlights these diaspora people groups.
View the North America Diaspora missiographic series.
We want to thank our friends at Global Gates and Global Gates Canada for their partnership in making these Missiographics possible. Visit globalgates.info and globalgates.ca.
Resources and Ministries Focused on Diaspora in Greater Toronto Area:
- Global Gates Canada (globalgates.ca)
- UReach Toronto (ureachtoronto.ca)
- MoveIn (movein.to)
- AIM Canada (http://www.aimint.org/can)
- Canadian Baptists (http://www.baptist.ca)
- Canadian Bible Society (http://www.biblesociety.ca)
- SEND Canada (https://www.send.org/canada)
- The Peoples Church (http://www.thepeopleschurch.ca)
- Urban Nations Outreach (urbannations.org)
- Pioneers Canada (pioneers.ca)
- Diaspora Ministry Coalition (diasporaministrycoalition.org)
- Next Move (nextmove.net)
OnMission John Becker
OnMission Ken Katayama
OnMission Matthew Ellison
OnMission Paul McGuiness
OnMission Ted Esler
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<p><a href="https://missionexus.org/diaspora-in-greater-toronto-area/"><strong>Diaspora in Greater Toronto Area</strong></a>.</p>
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What is the working definition of “unreached people”? Thx
Virgil, the basic definition for Unreached People Groups is: “A people group within which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians able to evangelize this people group.” Find out more on GlobalGates website: https://globalgates.info/unreached-people-groups-priority-matrix-frequently-asked-questions/#define