Designing STMs to Engage & Equip Gen Z

Short-term Missions Track | Workshop Set 3

Thursday, September 29, 2022 13:45 PM


Primary Audience Pastors, mission pastors, youth leaders, college ministry leaders, and short-term missions leaders Description Gen Z (b. 1996-2012) is growing up in a post-Christian culture. As a result, they often struggle to understand missions and count the cost of serving God.

Because Gen Z learns best through experience, participation, and relationships, short-term missions can provide a powerful context for discipleship and missions education.

In this workshop, we will discuss how to design STMs to engage Gen Z, encourage their spiritual growth, and educate them on God’s heart for the world while they participate. Specific topics will include the coach approach to leadership and relationships, terminology and theology to help Gen Z understand missions, and strategies for equipping Gen Z to use their individual gifts and skills.

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Jolene Erlacher

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