Generosity Movement
Global Status Global Generosity Movement
presented by Barbara Shantz, Global Development Liaison, TWR
Complex global challenges impact Great Commission activities at every level. No matter how connected and motivated you are as an individual Christ-follower, church or mission leader, you can’t be an expert on everything. This edition will help you be better informed on what is currently the state of an important movement of generosity that helps address poverty and the disadvantaged throughout the world. Our special guest and subject matter expert is Barbara Shantz. Barbara is well qualified to speak on this topic. Since 1999 she has been on staff at TWR International, and is presently their Global Development Liaison. She has been an experienced fundraiser for over 30 years, utilizing the method of transformational rather than transactional fundraising; that is, focusing on ministering to the donor, rather than their donation. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Lausanne Resource Mobilization Working Group, and as an active member she participated in writing the Generosity Declaration.
Global Issues Update is an audio/visual 35-40 minute recording and will take a few minutes to download. You will be glad you waited.This is a free resource for members of MissioNexus, please do not distribute outside of your immediate organizational context.