Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 32 - Issue 2
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Global Report: Korean Church Catches a Whiff of Trouble in the Air
The bloom may not be quite off the rose of South Korea’s civilian-led democracy, but the country’s once intoxicating political aroma has definitely soured.
Bribery: Where Are the Lines?
One of the most common moral problems for Two-Thirds World Christians is bribery.
Bribery: Where Are the Lines?
One of the most common moral problems for Two-Thirds World Christians is bribery.
Evaluating “A Common Word”: The Problem of “Points of Contact”
Why “points of contact” between Christianity and Islam are mythical—and why Christians must stay true to the task of missions that lies before us.
What Makes Mission Christian?
Although Christian mission may seem easily definable, there is a growing divide among evangelicals today regarding the fundamental meaning, role and purpose of this mission.