Editorial Director, Evangelical Missions Quarterly

  • Publications/Communications
  • Remote
  • This position has been filled
  • Publications/Communications
  • Remote
  • This position has been filled

Website Missio Nexus

Catalyzing relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission Community.


The Editorial Director (ED) of Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) supervises and oversees the production of each issue of EMQ, which is published quarterly.  The ED sets direction, in consultation with the Missio Nexus President, and is encouraged to creatively explore how EMQ can best serve its constituents.

This is a part time role, requiring an average of 32 to 40 hours per month.


  • Committed to global missions and the overall vision of Missio Nexus
  • Strong editorial, communication, and writing skills
  • Must be a team player with a solid work ethic and able to manage several projects simultaneously
  • Must be able to work on a virtual team
  • Must have a mature, friendly, approachable personality, coupled with strong interpersonal skills
  • Advanced degree in missiology preferred but not required
  • Experience with WordPress preferred but not required


  • Gives oversight to the general direction of EMQ.
  • Works with the President of Missio Nexus to develop themes for issues (typically about one year ahead of time).
  • Solicits articles and responds to submissions. Most articles are submitted without prompting by the ED.
  • Oversees submission guidelines, the website interface for EMQ submissions, and the library service site.
  • The ED reads and evaluates newly submitted articles. The ED’s evaluation is based on missiological importance, professionalism in writing and content alignment with the “Criteria by Which Articles are Evaluated” (https://missionexus.org/emq/submit-an-article-to-emq/).
  • Respond, within a reasonable timeframe, to writers submitting articles. There are three possible outcomes, rejection, rewrite, or acceptance. It is the responsibility of the ED to inform the writer of the fate of a submitted article. Usually this is done within 10-12 business days from when the article has been received.
  • Select submitted articles for each issue and place them in the order in which they will appear. Generally, there should be 10-12 articles for each issue. Notify the writers that their article will appear in the coming edition.
  • Provide copy editing to articles as needed, interacting with writers until a final article is ready for publication. Outside assistance may be acquired per the budget.
  • Consult with the Layout Designer, who is responsible for the design, formatting, and publication of each edition. This includes design for various distribution formats.
  • Write the opening editorial for each issue. The editorial is generally 500 words in length and relates to the issue’s theme.
  • Communicate with the Book Review Editor to collect book reviews ready for that edition and provide these to the Layout Designer.
  • Communicate with the Layout Designer to determine which missiographic, if any, will appear in the edition.
  • Proofread the first (and sometimes second) draft of each edition and give final approval for publication to the Layout Editor. Work with proofreaders when necessary.
  • Notify the writers of each edition when their article has been published. This should be done the first day the issue comes out in which their article has appeared. Attach a pdf of that issue so they can access it for themselves (some writers are not members of Missio Nexus, and do not receive complimentary copies of EMQ).
  • Be on the lookout for possible themes, missiological issues and competent writers that will constitute a quality EMQ issue. Conferences and consultations like the Evangelical Missiological Society, Missio Nexus’ annual conference, and other venues are good sources for ideas.


This role does not require a physical move but will be done from whatever location best suits the candidate. The candidate must supply their own computer equipment.

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Missio Nexus

Catalyzing relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission Community.

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