Christ’s Witchdoctor     

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Leader’s Edge: Missionary Biographies

Christ’s Witchdoctor*

By Homer E. Dowdy   

Harper & Row, 1963   

233 pages  

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Among the multitude of missionary biographies, old and new, this riveting narrative is unique. It tells the story of Elka, former chief and witchdoctor/shaman, who became a Christian under the remarkable ministry of Unevangelized Fields missionaries (Crossworld Ministries) in Northeastern Brazil and Guiana beginning in the late 1940s. Elka, the first convert from the Waiwai tribe, led them from animism to Christianity. He became the Waiwai’s spiritual leader and led them as they carried the gospel to neighboring tribes. Skillfully written by veteran newspaper reporter, Homer Dowdy, the story, “as told by Elka,” presents it with a singular personal perspective. 

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