Church to Church: Impactful Global Collaboration with Strategy & Relationship
Details: September 28, 2023, 03:45 PM - 05:00:00 PM ET
Workshop Track: NCMLC - Essentials
Primary Audience: Church Mission Leaders
This workshop will explore angles on how North American churches collaborate & partner strategically with pastors & their churches in other countries. We will find answers to these challenging questions:
• What are the strengths & challenges of partnering globally with other churches?
• How do we build effective communication and lay involvement in the relational aspects of partnering?
• What can ministry collaboration look like, done effectively, considering economics & dichotomy?
• How do mission agencies and cross-cultural workers fit into the relationship & collaborative efforts?
• Can any church effectively partner globally in this way?
• How do changes in globalization impact partnering between churches?
• What are some examples of North American Churches partnering with other churches around the world, including my experience, as presenter?
Meet the Presenters
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