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Missions and Arts on the Web
From drama in local churches to images of Jesus in paintings and sculptures, from music reflecting God’s glory in local idioms to films about Jesus, artistic expression spans a spectrum of ideas, materials, media and imagery that helps Christians of all cultures think more clearly about Christ.
Missions and Arts on the Web
From drama in local churches to images of Jesus in paintings and sculptures, from music reflecting God’s glory in local idioms to films about Jesus, artistic expression spans a spectrum of ideas, materials, media and imagery that helps Christians of all cultures think more clearly about Christ.
Missions and the Arts
In 2002 we first developed a MisLinks page connecting to missionally-focused arts resources. Eight years is a lifetime on the Web, so we have returned to our Arts page to update it with new resources.
Lausanne 74: The Plenary Program
Billy Graham opened and closed the International Congress on World Evangelization, and in between he preached at a Sunday afternoon public evangelistic rally at Lausanne’s Olympic Stadium.