Categories: EMQ, Letters to the Editor, Section, Volume 43 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
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Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity
I read with interest Dan Sheffield’s article in the January 2007 EMQ (“Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity in Mission Candidates and Personnel”).
Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity in Mission Candidates and Personnel
Using effective intercultural assessment tools can give reference points for forward movement in missionary training.
Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity in Mission Candidates and Personnel
Using effective intercultural assessment tools can give reference points for forward movement in missionary training.
The Importance of the Missionary Society in Peru: Asociación Misionera Evangélica Nacional
A look at the origins and structure of the first indigenous mission in Peru and its importance for missions in the third millennium.
Daniel as a Model for Godly Living in Creative Access Countries
Four stories from the Book of Daniel serve as examples to those serving God in creative access countries.