Unstacking Your Grief Tower: A Guide to Processing Grief as an Adult Third Culture Kid
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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry
Unstacking Your Grief Tower: A Guide to Processing Grief as an Adult Third Culture Kid*
By Lauren Wells
Independently Published, 2021
102 pages
*As an Amazon Associate Missio Nexus earns from qualifying purchases.
This book aims to equip parents of third culture kids (TCKs) and those who work with TCKs (or TCK caregivers) to walk these children and teens through processing their grief using the concept of unstacking their grief tower (or accumulated pain). The author believes that every family serving overseas needs to engage in regular, habitual grief-processing (which may not be the severe, traumatic experiences but the small grief-inducing experiences). This preventive approach can be an alternative to reactively dealing with crisis situations (after the emotions have been suppressed and unacknowledged over time). The book walks through the grief tower and presents practical ways to unstack with TCKs the blocks of the grief tower.
Leader’s Edge
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