Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk      

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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry

Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk*

By Anna Hampton

William Carey, 2024 (2nd edition) 

226 ebook pages 

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This book is a new second edition that provides significant changes from its first version: (1) it now covers “Christ-followers anywhere, in any hostile context, who are witnesses of Jesus Christ” (page ix) instead of the “cross-cultural workers” only; (2) it now has three parts that include the value of discernment and transformation in risk (chapters 5-7); (3) it now incorporates the three elements of the theology of risk (chapter 3); (4) it now includes four additional risks myths for a total of 16 (chapter 9); (5) it now adds a discussion of children and teens moving into danger for the sake of gospel witness (chapter 4); (6) it now moves from asking core questions to sacred questions that ask God in the kairos risk moment (chapter 7); and (7) it now has two additional chapters on pastoral support for those engaged in risk witness (chapter 14) and responses to frequently asked questions (chapter 15). 

Leader’s Edge
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