Author Interview: Christopher Flanders & Werner Mischke

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Author Interview

Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing our Message and Ministry

By: Christopher Flanders and Werner Mischke (eds.)


This edited book explores the contribution of honor-shame cultural language in gospel communication, in order to navigate the tension between faithfulness to God’s ancient Word and relevance to the current local and social context. This exploration is crucial in communities where honor and shame are critical values, including most unreached peoples. The volume is the result of the Honor-Shame Conference in June 2017 on the theme “Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing our Message for 21st Century Ministry.” This compendium incorporates 16 articles from the conference presenters. The book is divided into two major sections: (1) honor-shame in general contexts (with seven chapters); and (2) honor-shame in various mission contexts (with eight chapters describing diverse case studies from various countries). The book also has two goals: (1) to provide a valuable honor-shame resource for the global church and missiological community; and (2) to add energy to the ongoing honor-shame conversation.

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