Webinar: Studying missions in credible and useful ways
Over the past 40 years the world has experience major changes and along with them mega shifts in the way we What does the orality movement have to do with Greek history? How is church planting related to sociology? Ken Nehrbass will explain how any academic discipline (education, psychology, art, anthropology) can be made useful for missions insofar as we ask “how do the best practices and theories of this discipline inform us about the way that the gospel spreads across cultures?” He will also give examples of how missiologists who borrowed theories from other disciplines have “returned the favor” by further shaping those disciplines. He compares missiology to a river: Missions takes ideas from upstream (e.g, from the field of linguistics, communication theory, education etc); these ideas converge at the purpose of making disciples, and then go downstream into missionary practices like orality, church planting movements.
Kenneth Nehrbass, Ph.D. (Biola University) has taught missions at Liberty University, Biola University, and Belhaven University. He is the author of Advanced Missiology and God’s Image and Global Cultures. He and his wife Mendy completed a translation of the New Testament with Wycliffe Bible Translators, into the language of Southwest Tanna (Vanuatu). Also, his book Advanced Missiology received the Christianity Today “Award of Merit” for books on Missions and the Global church.