Mission without Empire – When the Global South Joins the Mission Force

Wednesday | 3:45 PM

Primary Audience
Mission executives and leaders

Is the apparent shift of the center of gravity for Christian witness a reality? What are some of the evidences of the apparent shift. Could the global church maintain missions from the ‘West to the Rest’? Are the missiological strategies still viable and transferrable? How valuable and relevant would the call; “From the whole church to the whole world” be utilized with our current realities? What posture should the global church take in innovative dialogue on God’s Mission? What challenges and responsibilities would the global church embrace? To what extent should the global church ‘discern the body of Christ, in its pursuit God’s mission.

Key Takeaways
Together, we will discuss:

  • When missiology meets ecclesiology.
  • ‘Mission without empire’
  • Can mission thrive without power?
  • What posture should receivers and senders take in global Mission?

Presented By

Dr. Lazarus Phiri
