The Unreached Among Us: Building Bridges of Love among Refugees

Details: September 29, 2023, 09:00 AM ET 

Workshop Track: NCMLC - Essentials

Primary Audience: Church Mission Leaders

Are there unreached people groups living in your community? Since August 2021, 70,000 Afghans arrived in the United States. Many of them have settled in our communities. God in His sovereignty has sent tens of thousands of Muslims to the free world to have contacts with Christians and His Church.

As they resettle and adjust to new life here in America, we have ample opportunities to build bridges of love with them to share Christ’s Truth. Come and learn from a local church in Maryland that is focused on helping Afghan refugees ‘see’ the Gospel in their lives, so that they are more receptive to hear the Gospel.

Meet the Presenters

Isabel Lee

Minister of Global Outreach & Women's Ministries

Chinese Bible Church of Maryland

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