Good to Great: 7 Principles to Maximize your STM Impact
Short-term Missions Track | Workshop Set 1
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45 PM
Primary Audience Mission trip organizers & leaders, mission pastors, youth pastors Description Learn how to build a transformative framework for your mission trips that answer the questions you have:
1) How can our short term missions program have greater impact?
2) What can we do to better support and bless our mission partners that we serve?
3) How can we multiply the impact of our trips for the community we are serving and the participants of the team?
Looking through the lens of the 7 Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission, we will consider essential components of a successful STM program for your church, school or mission organization. We will establish best practices in short-term missions and offer practical tools to help you take your mission program to the next level!
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Jesse Kroeze