Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 30 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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When the Saints Go Marching In
We all have pictures of the past indelibly printed on our minds. Sometimes we wish we could simply forget those images. Other times we’re thankful we can’t.
The Use of Pictures in Oral Bible Storying
I was always the kid who avoided art class at any cost. Who would have guessed that now I would be known as the “Picture Drawing Lady?”
Welcoming the Stranger
Presenter: Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization, World Relief Description: Refugee and immigration issues have dominated headlines globally recently. While many American Christians view these…
The Roles of Church and Mission in Crisis Management: Overlap? Competition? Cooperation?
Description: This webinar will look at the issues churches and missions face in responding to crises on the field. How do they cooperate and communicate…
Mission Photos
Websites that offer quality images of mission-related activities.