What Do We Mean by “Counting the Cost” and Why Does It Matter?

People Care & Development Track | Workshop Set 1

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45 PM


Primary Audience Organization leaders, specifically those involved in the care and development of global worker Description “The cross and the kingdom cannot be separated,” highlights the inherent tension between suffering and well-being in ministry.

This session invites us, as those advocating for the well-being of global workers, to wrestle with the theological narratives of suffering that inform our contexts. Drawing on Biblical texts and literature from non-profit HRM, this session aims to equip leaders in care and development to identify theological narratives of suffering, name and develop our own narratives of suffering and explore the implications of these narratives, raising questions such as: Is it possible that our acceptance of suffering in Kingdom endeavors has created a tolerance for under-resourcing ministers?

Are efforts to care for global workers going too far in alleviating the necessary suffering that comes with this work?

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