Webinar: Simplifying Muslim Outreach


Although many Christians believe that Muslims are extremely difficult to share the gospel with, this is not necessarily true.  Yes, anyone can be resistant, but the vast majority of Muslims today are actually very open to hearing the message of Jesus.  The Simplifying Muslim Outreach seminar will demonstrate how we can connect with Muslims, answer their many questions, and communicate the beauty of the good news in a simple yet profound way.  Many Muslims are looking for answers, so this seminar is designed to help each student know what to do when the Lord puts an open heart in front of them.


After many years of trying to share the good news with Muslims and failing, the presenter was retrained in presenting the gospel and started seeing some phenomenal results.  From that point on training became his primary focus and he has trained teams in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Australia and North America for OM and many other organizations.  The training materials he created has been used in well over 100 countries.  He has served with OM for over 20 years and has traveled to more than 60 countries.  

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