Webinar: Organization Initiatives for Sexual Wholeness


Missio Nexus has launched a new networking group, Organization Initiatives for Sexual Wholeness. The group’s co-facilitators will introduce this interactive collaboration for executive leadership and member care personnel alike.

You may desire to explore such an initiative, or you may be currently engaged in one, and we can learn from each other’s journeys. Courageous innovation is needed. Organizational cultures are difficult to change, but Jesus is calling us to turn this tide. Let’s work together!

Initial Goals

  • Combat a culture of shame among ministry workers by breaking the silence and starting the conversation.
  • Create an organizational culture of grace that pursues restoration rather than condemnation.


Carl Kishbaugh provides missionary member care through ServingLeaders Ministries (https://www.servingleaders.org/). He is a pastoral counselor who focuses on coaching missionaries through change and transition, personal debriefings, and counseling. Drawing on over 40 years of experience in missions with World Team Global, he seeks to encourage and build up these servants of God who bring the Gospel to the lost all over the world. He helps bring gospel implications to bear to the challenges and concerns of cross-cultural workers, seeking to build resilience into their lives. He worked with World Team’s Global Member Care Team to launch their Sexual Integrity Initiative. He lives in Columbus, OH, where he and his wife, Caroline, have two married adult children with six grandchildren.

Dennis Martin is the director of Sexual Wholeness Initiatives (SWI), a ministry of One Challenge. He is grateful to experience a freedom in Christ which he had previously lost hope of attaining this side of heaven. His life’s passion is to walk with Jesus’ bride toward sexual wholeness. He and his wife, Jeannie, raised three daughters in France during 20 years of missionary service with Encompass World Partners. They now reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado

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