Webinar: Developing Movement Catalysts – It’s Within Your Reach


“At the end of the day, it is the man and woman of God and not the method that God blesses” (Bill Smith). If you want to grow into that person God can bless with fruitful ministry, or help other grow into such people, then this webinar is for you. In it you will learn:
HOW to develop your leaders more effectively, but also, and more importantly,
WHAT qualities they need, so they can have a catalytic impact in your people group
WHICH catalytic qualities you yourself have developed strongly already and which you need to grow in, in order to increase your ministry fruitfulness
WHY a paradigm shift is needed from using the right ministry methods to becoming the right person God uses
HOW ministering with the right method relates to becoming the right person
Why a paradigm shift is needed in your training and mentoring from the formation of methods to the formation of catalytic leaders
The content is based on empirical research among effective movement catalysts, the facilitator’s own fruitful ministry, and his experience in coaching high-level catalysts.
You will have the opportunity to reflect on your personal growth and experience a teaser peer-coaching conversation.
If you would like to, you can take a free self-assessment before the webinar. It will take you only about 18 minutes and you find it on http://www.dmmdna.com – then click ‘Catalyst Self-Assessment’. A personalized feedback report will be emailed to you. Doing the self-assessment will make the webinar even more beneficial, but it is not required for attendance.
The insights of the webinar should enable you to make your own development of leaders more impactful, as well as boost your own personal growth into a fruitful leader.


Dr. Emanuel Prinz has been a movement practitioner for more than 20 years and was used by God to start a movement among an unengaged Muslim people group in North Africa. Today he boosts ministries toward movements as a consultant and trainer to missions organizations and networks. He is the author of Movement Catalysts and Exponential Disciple-Making and Church Planting. Through his EXPONENTIAL movement training more than 10,000 leaders have been trained and it has been translated into ten languages so far. Emanuel blogs at http://www.catalyticleadership.info

Missio Nexus encourages interaction on diverse and difficult topics. Be aware that the information shared in this event may not reflect the views of the Missio Nexus staff, board, or other community members.

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