Webinar: An Introduction to the Theology and Practice of Cross-Cultural Risk


Followers of Christ living in unreached areas of the world often face elevated risk (physical, relational, emotional, etc.). What is God’s perspective regarding following Him when these real dangers are present? How do we manage our journey faithfully?

In this webinar participants will:

1. Be introduced to the concept of risk assessment and management
2. Gain a Biblical perspective on Risk
3. Reflect on 3 Essential Elements of a Theology of Risk
4. Acquire one critical skill for decision-making in or during uncertainty risk


Neal and Anna Hampton: In their transparent and unique style, Neal and Anna share God’s Word woven with personal experiences from nearly thirty years of full-time missions, including almost two decades of living and working in war-torn Islamic countries. Their passion is for Christ and encouraging others to develop courageous passionate faith in Him.

Neal is a life-long student, practitioner and trainer in the area of shepherd leadership and life development. He has worked with numerous field leaders across multiple sectors in the for-profit, non-profit, para-church, and educational worlds. CRU, Mission Aviation Fellowship, United States Armed Forces, YWAM, Network of International Christian Schools, SIL, IMB, WEC, Frontiers, International Assistance Mission, Avant, and ReachGlobal are just a few of the more than 100 organizations he has served.

Neal holds a Bachelor of Science from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. He has over 20 years of experience serving in the Persian and Turkic regions of the world as a humanitarian aid worker, team leader, and Country Director of a large international team operating in the high risk environment of Afghanistan. He and his wife, Anna, serve with Barnabas International since 2010.

Anna holds a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Bethel University and a Doctor of Religious Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary. She is a Bible teacher and speaker at international women’s events in Central Asia, the Middle East, and in the US.

They have traveled in almost 70 countries providing consulting, training, debriefing, pastoral counseling, leadership, member care, crisis response, developing materials, monitoring global trends and opportunities while developing expertise on cross-cultural risk as they’ve focus primarily on global workers on the front lines of Central Asia and the Middle East.

Anna’s book, Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk and the training Neal developed from it, Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) Training are based on Anna’s doctoral dissertation on a Theology of Cross-Cultural risk. These two resources are quickly being utilized by global workers all over the world. Visit her at her at https://theologyofrisk.com/ to learn more. 

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