Towers to Eternity       

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Leader’s Edge: Missionary Biographies

Towers to Eternity

By Paul E. Freed   

Word Book Publisher, Waco, TX, 1968   

 200 pages

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Who is this person?

This is the well written story of Paul Freed and the global gospel radio ministry of Trans World Radio that he founded. Freed was an MK, born in Detroit but raised in the Middle East by his parents, Ralph and Mildred Freed, C&MA missionaries to the “Arab Lands” of Transjordan and Syria. At age 17, he traveled alone to the United States on the British liner, Queen Mary, eventually graduating from Wheaton College and earning Masters at Columbia University. He also attended The Missionary Training Institute in Nyack, NY before beginning to work with Youth for Christ (YFC) as an evangelist.  

On a visit to Switzerland for a YFC conference, he met two Spanish Christians who begged him to visit Spain to see the small, persecuted Evangelical church and Spain’s need for the gospel. He went reluctantly but quickly realized the tremendous lack of gospel presence, which led him to the conclusion that the only way to reach Spain’s 28 million population was through radio, since there were only about 200 protestant churches and 30,000 evangelicals in the whole country. 

This led Freed to search out a location in North Africa to build a radio station close to Spain, since no European country permitted Christian radio in the post-World War II era. Amazingly, just across the Mediterranean was Morocco where the first towers for Trans World Radio were erected. 

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