Categories: Articles (EMQ), EMQ, Section, Volume 52 - Issue 4
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Folk Religions
Previously, we wrote about Religions on the Web (October 2002). In this installment, we will focus more closely on what are called folk or popular religions.
The State of the American Church: When Numbers Point to a New Reality
The polls are in and the news is bad for the Church in America. Christianity is on the decline, Americans have given up on God, and the “Nones”—those who have no religious ties—are on the rise. It is indeed true that parts of the Christian Church in America are struggling, while a growing number of Americans are far from God.
The Web and World Religions
We devote the majority of this article to three categories—general religion sites, new religions and cults, and Islam—followed by briefer coverage of about a dozen other religions in alphabetical order.