The Mobilized Church Workshop: Keys to Unlock Missions Potential

If you are a Christ follower, your spiritual heritage can be traced to a prayer meeting that happened in Antioch of Syria over two thousand years ago.  From this meeting, the world missions movement began in earnest, spreading the Gospel to the nations.  What were the keys that unlocked the missions potential at Antioch and do they have implications for churches today?

Join Sixteen:Fifteen at The Mobilized Church – Keys to Unlock Missions Potential, a two-day interactive workshop.  We will discover how the keys that unlocked the Church at Antioch can unlock your church today!

For nearly two decades, Sixteen:Fifteen has coached hundreds of churches to carry out the Great Commission.  Over the years, as we observed these churches God has used to bear abundant fruit among the unreached, we began to see common characteristics.  We have collected data, experiences, and wisdom from these churches to create a concentrated, interactive two-day workshop — We call it The Mobilized Church: Keys to Unlock Missions Potential.

Focusing on Acts 13, we will unpack the Scriptural qualities of a church mobilized for the Great Commission, help your church develop a plan to cultivate a vibrant missions culture and we will introduce you to potential partners in this important work.

The Mobilized Church Workshop is designed to be affordable and fruitful for your church and its coming to two cities in the Fall of 2019. Visit The Mobilized Church on our website to find out more and to register.

We can’t wait to see how the Lord will unlock your church’s potential to reach the nations.

This article is submitted by Tricia Morris, Director of Operations at Sixteen:Fifteen a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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