Premium Pre-Conference Events You Can’t Miss!

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This year there are 11 Pre-Conference options to choose from. Find the one that is right for you and add even more value to your conference experience! For more information and to register click here.

Tuesday | September 26 | 1pm–9pm

7 Keys to Mission Trips that Honor God – Part 1

Whether you’ve led 100 mission trips or just one, this workshop is for you! We’ll unpack 7 key elements to make part of every mission trip to ensure that you are honoring God, your host, and those you’re serving. This workshop is interactive and collaborative. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences as you learn with and from others passionate about leading mission trips that make a difference. Not only will you leave with actionable knowledge, but you’ll also leave with new friends and colleagues to share with and draw from in your ministry.

Wednesday | September 27 | 8:30am–12:30pm

7 Keys to Mission Trips that Honor God – Part 2

This session continues from part 1 on the previous day. See description above.

Artificial Intelligence Applied to Missions: Insights on & Practical Use

Artificial Intelligence will have significant impacts on missions agencies and our work around the world. This hands-on session is broken down into three sections: insight into AI as a technology and suite of tools, applying AI to the mission enterprise in practical ways, and ideas on how to integrate AI strategically and discern the opportunities and challenges ahead. Don’t miss this interactive time of engagement on this critical area impacting missions globally.

Addressing the Cultural Shift in Marriage, Singleness & Sexuality

In this pre-conference, we will highlight major cultural shifts in marriage and singleness, exploring them in light of the redemptive storyline of Scripture. We will dive into practical application in how this big idea of spiritual family affects our mission organizations worldwide and teams in every culture. Story rich and research driven, we’ll probe different perspectives while offering ideas and positive practices.

CFO Roundtable

The CFO Roundtable is an opportunity for experienced financial leaders to network, interact, and learn from their peers. This highly interactive forum will equip leaders to discover the answers to the most complicated mission-critical issues and empower you to overcome your current or next challenge. Earn CPE Credit.

CIO Roundtable

The purpose of the CIO Roundtable is to create a place for technology leaders to network with peers, learn about the latest technologies, discuss challenges, find new solutions and get advice from other colleagues. It is designed for senior IT executives and is aimed at helping them address strategic IT opportunities and challenges in a globally connected world. Earn CPE Credit.

Financial Bootcamp for Controllers and Financial Directors

For mission organizations working locally and overseas, it’s vital to have open dialogue on the best practices impacting finances and accounting. Join us for a discussion of key considerations, including do’s, don’ts, and suggested policies for deputized fundraising; grant agreements and working with foreign entities; seconded workers at sending and receiving organizations; foreign earned income; the treatment of missionary benefits; and dealing with parsonages. We’ll also cover the policies you should have in place, such as conflict of interest, whistleblower, gift acceptance, and intellectual property policies. Earn CPE Credit.

Fundamentals of Development Work

Tired of the fundraising treadmill? Learn a more strategic and relational approach to raising funds to fulfill your mission. This workshop is for development staff and executive directors who want to understand the fundamentals of what it takes to build a sustainable development program. Earn CPE Credit.

Intercultural Communication and Implicit Bias

The complexities of intercultural communication will be examined through a frank discussion which will engage participants and allow them to consider the role of implicit bias in these human interactions. The Black Church will be used as a paradigm for examining the subject, however, the principles will have universal application to most racial and ethnic contexts.

Public Relations Bootcamp

Knowing how to effectively communicate your mission agency’s work and opportunities for engagement is increasingly difficult. The North American media and cultural environment present unique challenges that can feel insurmountable. You are not alone. In this pre-conference bootcamp, our team of experts will help you navigate through these complexities with greater success.

Smartphone Videos: Your Organizations New Best Friend – Find out How!

Check out this video from Evan. How do we navigate this fast-paced media hungry world? It’s never been easier or more crucial to do it well. These workshops are radically changing the way supporters engage with field workers. Connections, funding, and prayer are boosted significantly as workers are quickly equipped to easily create compelling video stories by recognising the ripe opportunities all around them – with just their smartphones.

The 6 Phases of Sabbatical for Effective Recovery and Upward Momentum

Come hear the deep significance behind an effective Sabbatical, best practices that lead to upward momentum, and how key resources are essential to an effective Sabbatical season.

Want to Add a Pre-Conference Session to Your Registration?

To add a pre-conference session, go to the conference website. Click on “Already Registered?” Log in with your email and confirmation number and you will be able to edit your registration and add a pre-conference.

For more information and to register click here

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