Teaching and Learning Across Cultures: A Guide to Theory and Practice

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Leader’s Edge (Missions & Ministry)

Teaching and Learning Across Cultures: A Guide to Theory and Practice

By: Craig Ott

Baker Academic, 2021, 336 pages 


This book, which is based on cross-cultural research and real-life experiences, explores ways to appreciate and engage learners from different cultures. It proceeds from a Christian conviction that the ultimate goal of all teaching is human flourishing. The book describes five dimensions of culture that influence teaching and learning: (1) cognitive (ways that learners process information); (2) worldview (nature of learning, causality, epistemology, tradition, and worldview change); (3) social (teaching roles and relationships in teaching-learning interactions); (4) media (instructional modes, media, and online learning); and (5) environment (physical, institutional, and socio-political context of teaching in another culture). Through these five dimensions, the book surveys the challenges and approaches of teaching across cultures. 

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