Supracultural Gospel: Bridging East and West
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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry
Supracultural Gospel: Bridging East and West*
By Mary Lou Codman-Wilson and Alex (Qin) Zhou
William Carey Library Publishers, 2022
224 Pages
*As an Amazon Associate Missio Nexus earns from qualifying purchases.
This book argues that the theological bridge between the divergent cultural and theological values in the West and East is the supracultural gospel, which transcends the limited cultural and theological understandings in both the West and East. The idea for the book is born out of the authors’ passion to communicate the truths about Jesus Christ in language and transformed living that are contextually relevant for Asians in the Far East. In addition, the goal of the book is to provide a resource that will enable Asian internationals and immigrants—particularly from China and Japan—to thrive in their Christian life back in their home country” (page 7). After presenting the cultural boxes of the gospel in the West and East, the book describes the different aspects, discipleship essentials, and practical examples of living the supracultural gospel.
Leader’s Edge
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