June 23, 2020
Conference Update
This update about the Mission Leaders Conference will not come as a surprise. We have all seen events, one after another, cancel or convert to virtual over the past few months while praying this would not be necessary for us. However, this week, Missio Nexus made the decision to not meet face to face for Focus 2020.
Why Have You Decided to Cancel?
We received 400+ responses to a survey conducted asking for input about attending Focus-2020 – yes, no, or undecided. Many expressed concerns for health and safety, quarantines, travel restrictions, and not least of all unanticipated financial restrictions. In addition, our venue, the Rosen Centre, graciously released us from our contract with no penalty; something that is almost unheard of. After much consideration and prayer, our team decided that the wisest course of action was to cancel the face-to-face Mission Leaders Conference in 2020.
Will You Be Doing a Virtual Conference Instead?
Yes, Focus 2020 – SPOTLIGHT, will take place on Thursday, September 24th at 1:00 PM EDT. You are invited to join us for worship and the Word, messages from our plenary speakers, award presentations, and prayer. To learn more, click on the Focus-2020 Spotlight image in the left column. For those with paid registrations, you will be registered automatically for this virtual event at no cost. Others will pay a registration fee.Â
Thank you for your patience as we handle the many details of this change. In the fall, watch for information about next year’s Mission Leaders Conference, Innovate 2021, that will take place September 22-24 in Dallas, TX.