So What? Answering a Donor’s Toughest Question – Show Your Impact to Raise More Money

Description:  This webinar will help non-profit organizations and ministries learn how to provide meaningful and convincing answers to the most important question a donor can ask: “What difference is your cause making?” It’s the so-what test few charitable organizations are capable of passing. Instead, they mostly provide anecdotes and one-off stories. Results are characterized as large number. It’s not enough these days. Donors want to know that change stories are not isolated examples, but evidence that positive impact will continue to increase. This webinar will discuss how measuring quality change is possible and not as hard as you think. Not only will you see the possibilities, you will know how to recognize significant impact and how to report it to your donors. Webinar content is based on Gilles’ new book So What? Answering a Donor’s Toughest Question.

Presenter: Gilles Gravelle assists the Seed Company in the area of mission research and innovation. He is also an author, speaker and non-profit fund-raising consultant. His 2015 MissioNexus webinar was on his book The Age of Global Giving, a Guide for funders and Fundraisers. He has over thirty years of experience in missions and ministry. He has been involved in fundraising, vetting funding proposals, and advising high net worth donors. He does extensive research on missions and philanthropy trends. This experience uniquely positions him as someone who understands the giver, the funding recipient, and the times. He has helped many nonprofit organizations develop clarity around their impact goals so they know what to measure and how to talk about it with potential donors. Gilles and his wife live in Lake Forest, CA

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