Show me the Way: Guidance and Missions“ How Do We Discern God’s Best?
Show me the Way: Guidance and Missions
How Do We Discern God’s Best?
Presented by Dan Bacon, D. Miss, Leadership Consultant, OMF International
Decision-making in mission agencies and local churches is serious business. Personal decisions for our families, work or business choices should not be taken lightly. We often give lip service to the need for guidance but in reality, tend to focus more on planning and strategy rather than seeking to discern what God is saying. The purpose of this web workshop is to help provide a discernment process rooted in Scripture rather than just a simple formula for gaining God’s guidance. Our goal is to more fully understand how God’s guidance grows out of our partnership with God rather than a simple follow the directions approach. We will examine helpful guidelines and traditional wisdom in discerning God’s best, but also grapple with the barriers or hindrances in the process of discovering God’s will for life’s choices. This workshop series is designed to help Christian leaders in whatever setting or capacity to discern God’s best related to decision-making.