Releasing the Power of Mentoring in Your Ministry

The Lausanne Movement appointed Mentor Link to provide a voluntary mentoring process for all delegates attending the Cape Town 2010 Congress as well as those who will attend from a remote location. This initiative is called The Global Mentoring Project, but it is also a tool available to all. it is a tool for your life and ministry. In this webinar, you will learn about the Project and how you can use it without charge throughout your ministry. You will learn how to develop leaders who lead like Jesus in your mission fields, among your staff, church planters, missionaries and stateside constituents. You will glean some ideas on how the project can meet some of your ministry’s unique needs for developing leaders and integrating a practical mentoring process throughout your ministry. Dr. Stacy Rinehart is the Founder of Mentor link International. He has served in various capacities with the Navigators for 30 years prior to helping to launch Mentor Link in 2000. He is the author of UPSIDE DOWN: The Paradox of Servant Leadership and lives in Raleigh, NC with his wife Paula. Camille Bishop (Ph.D.) is a missionary educator serving with the University of the Nations. She has thirty years experience in teaching and ministering cross-culturally, with an emphasis on educational leadership.   Dr. Bishop is the author of We’re in This Boat Together: Leadership Succession Between the Generations. She serves on the leadership team of the Global Mentoring Project.

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